No Breaking, No Standing. - Part I: Starts hacking with Sniffing

From today we start to analyze the biggest deal sharing community in Germany, which known as MyDealz. And the company which stands behind, the Pepper Media Holding GmbH. And also its main product, the so called Pepper Platform.

The analyze will be separated in two parts, technical and commercial.

There’s an old Chinese idiom called “No Breaking, No Standing.”, and another idiom called “Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated.”

So, for “breaking” our “enemy”, first we must know about it.

After a little investigation and analyze (I call it sniffing, but actually not in the way of Black-Hats) with chrome developer tools, Vue DevTools and tools from to the main page and to contents on its HR platform, we’ve found those interesting things below.

Technical Stack of MyDealz


  • Clinet-Side JS-Frameworks: Vue.JS, AngularJS, jQuery
  • Style Sheets: external CSS with LESS, SASS


  • Language: PHP
  • Packaging: Composer, Packagist
  • Main Database: Unknown relational database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc)
  • NO-SQL Databases: CouchDB, Redis
  • PHP-Frameworks: Laravel, Yii, Symfony 2, Zend 2
  • Other Technologies: Memcache


  • Messaging: Faye (based on Bayeux Protocol) on Server based on Node.JS

CDN and Accelerator

  • Cloudflare


  • Methodology: TDD (PHPUnit), BDD (Behat, beverages)


  • CI: Jerkins (Java), Travis CI (Ruby)

It smiles like a modern website with up-to-date technologies, doesn’t it? We will find out the secret and details of its tracking system at next Part.