From Theory to Practice

While working on Mind Map of KaWohnung Project, I’ve suddenly come up with the same idea with two famous theories that maybe every single Chinese 90er has heard of, they are:

  1. “From Theory to Practice”
  2. “Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.”

Whether for a Socialist or a Communist, or just for a Person who totally not interested in Politics, just like me as a Developer, these Theories are providing a valuable theoretical Basis for the Practice and Success of a Project in Terms of Methodology.

Not related to the political and educational system but related to the thoughts of my own to the world, the planet and universe that we live in, I have been a dialectical materialist since I was in junior high school. And it is this thought that put me on the endless road as a Developer, but not only as a Developer.

For Developers, these Theories can easily be transformed into following sentences:

  1. “No CS-Knowledge, No Coding. No Coding, No Skill.”
  2. “Learning by Doing is much better than Learning by Rote.”
  3. “Read the fucking Manuel (RTFM), and start Coding.”

And for better Simulation for structures of original Sentences:

  1. “From Lecture to IDE”
  2. “Coding is the sole way for testing Ideas and Skills.”

We have so many Methodologies in the fields of software development now, such as Agile, Design for Test, Reform, XP, Crystal, DSDM and so on. Some developers (maybe they think they are developers but actually not in other people’s eyes) have just sunk into the ocean of these words and forgot some basic things like the spirit of the sentences above.

I’ve seen too many delays from the work on this project in past 2 weeks, which caused by someone in my team who lacks motivation to improve itself. This kind of team member is mostly already aware of what it lacks in skills, but just waits and repeats its lazy and boring life everyday, without doing anything to improve any skills that needed for future developments or learning any useful things.

(Upadate: This team member left the team after 2 days voluntaryly)

At that case I just wanna shout out loudly, direct to its ears:

“Stand up from the Coach and stop talking about the technical terms you just know how to spell! RTFM, install the Environment and start Coding!”